Texas Renaissance Woman


Texas Renaissance Woman


Away in a manger no room for a bed…

Away in a manger no room for a bed…

Those of you who feel that you can’t quite get to the famous hotel, the sought after dinner party or the restaurant for the stars… or anywhere near the red carpet? Ha! Yours looks tan, flat and matted. Never red.

❄️Jesus wants you to know the above is one of the many reasons He showed up in a manger. The successful, popular and talented folks were too busy and given first dibs. He chose the latter so that you could relate; so you could see and know something great is inside you; regardless of where you lay your head at night or place your feet in the day.

Where are you right now? It may feel like there is no room for you either.  You need to know; you are loved, you are celebrated and you are not invisible; as He is so are you in this world (bible says so).  "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" is about angels noticing His birth.  As He, you are also noticed and even cared for by the heavenly hosts; and possibly by angels unaware 😉! Rest in that.

When others have a perceived opinion of you and you feel foolish in your current circumstance being tucked away in a stable; you too will soon confound the wise.  Don’t quit.

Your journey is about your preparation; a period of time that will help set in stone your trust that all the “practice moments” are working together for your good. Never give up❣️💪🙏

O Come, O Come Emmanuel…